El Ministerio Latino de la Iglesia Episcopal San Andres
We are a church open to all.
We are open, inclusive, and welcoming of all God’s children. We are a Christian community, practicing the Way of Love as taught by Jesus Christ. We are in the midst of creation yet still relying on the wisdom of the saints preceding us.
As an Episcopal community, our worship is grounded in the meaning, beauty, and artfulness of the ritual of the early church. Theologically, we are constantly seeking to understand how Christ’s life and teachings relate to us in the 21st century.
We welcome you, no matter who you are or wherever you are in your pilgrimage of faith, into this work of building community. Come and see a church that is both ancient and fully engaged in the present, a church dedicated to building up the kingdom of heaven here and now and feeding you in body, mind, and spirit.